Printing Industry

As a support to all kinds of commercial, educational, and communication activities, the printing industry has always been assisting economic and cultural development and is thus an important industry which enables the community to operate and advance.

The printing industry in Hong Kong can be traced back to at least the 50s, while its primetime lied in between the 60s and the 70s. Like many others, the local printing industry has gone through rounds of restructuring and transition, advancing and changing together with societal development. To date, although the industrial ecology is different from that of the past, the printing industry is still deeply rooted in Hong Kong and continues to serve different sectors and places, and Kwun Tong remains a hub for printing factories and design studios.

To complement the subject of the Column - the printing workers, we have added elements such as swatch cards, printing machines and freight elevators of industrial buildings to demonstrate the daily work of the printing industry.
